Agent M4: Riordan Read online

Page 4

  It explained why she’d taken so long to retrieve a bottle of water.

  “Mitchell Jacobs asked me to work with him.”

  His hazel eyes widened in surprise. “Mitchell? St. James works for D.I.R.E.?”

  Nodding, she crossed her arms over her chest. “He does.”

  Her father grumbled under his breath as he picked up a sofa pillow and squeezed it between his hands. “I’ll put a stop to that.”

  Natalie stilled. “Why? What’s the problem, Dad?”

  He slammed down the pillow on the chair. “He worked for Robert Naylor, Natalie. A world-renowned criminal. What is Mitchell doing hiring someone like him?”

  She studied her father with narrowed eyes. He hid something from her. Something big. Her father had dealt with some of the biggest criminals in the world, having worked in the D.A.’s office and politics for the last thirty years. Why did Riordan cause this kind of reaction?

  “He’s making a new start, Dad. Riordan is one of Mitchell’s top agents.”

  He stopped to stare at her. “Riordan?” He shook his head vigorously. “No, Natalie. Do not become involved with him. That would be the biggest mistake you ever made.”

  With that kind of response, Natalie almost wanted to become involved just to see what happened.

  “I don’t think anything could be a bigger mistake than Paul Warner.”

  He stabbed a finger at her. “Paul Warner was a good man.”

  Natalie did a double take. “Really, Dad? He blew himself up at Harold Mills’ campaign fundraiser. You don’t consider that a mistake?”

  Clearing his throat, he looked away. “That was an unfortunate accident.”

  Accident? How could he say that when Paul had been the only person on the scene they’d had to pick up in pieces? And, why was he there in the first place?

  Knowing Harold Mills ran against her father in the next election, she still couldn’t dismiss her father’s involvement. It wouldn’t be the first time her father had been caught on the wrong side of justice. It also wouldn’t surprise her to find the investigation that had cleared him, had been compromised.

  Granted, that didn’t dismiss her own guilt in the entire mess. As Paul’s doctor, she should’ve seen his suicidal tendencies long before the incident.

  She’d never picked up on them. Not once.

  At the time, she’d thought their relationship had given him a drive in life. A reason to move past his abusive childhood and troubling adulthood.

  Obviously, she’d given herself more credit than she deserved.

  Her father stood before her now, hands on hips, wedding band glinting in the sunlight filtering through her window. He’d never lacked for purpose. Her mother, on the other hand, had lost purpose when they’d lost her sister, Keegan. Natalie wondered if he’d ever struggled with her mother’s death.

  “I mean it, Natalie. You are not to go near that man again.”

  Lifting her chin, she matched his stance. “He’s my patient. I’ll help him as long as he needs it. And, don’t you dare interfere and call Mitchell.”

  His voice lowered to a menacing pitch. “Well, well, I’d wondered when my little rebel would show her head again.”

  Taking a step back, she swallowed hard. Yes, her father possessed a severe aversion to Natalie showing anything other than a serene, professional appearance. However, sometimes, she just couldn’t hold back.

  “I’d thought this ridiculous rebellious streak was gone forever. You’d been doing so well the last few years. But, I see it’s still here, trying to buck the system.”

  Dammit, she hated when he spoke to her in a condescending tone. “Who’s system? Yours? Is the world expected to live by your system, Dad?”

  “No, not the world. But you, yes.” He held out his hand to encompass the office. “You wouldn’t have all of this without my world, Natalie. You seem to forget that rather easily.”

  She waved her hand in the air. “Then take it. Take it all, if it means I have to be stifled by your system. You’re the one that wanted me to have a respectable career - to help your image.” She pointed at her chest. “I’m here to help people – including Riordan St. James – and I will do it.”

  Natalie let out a deep breath. Damn, it felt good to stand up to her father. It’s no wonder she’d gone on such a hellacious streak back in high school and college. The rush felt better than Space Barley beer with whiskey chasers.

  He started to the door. “Helping people is a noble philosophy, Natalie. Helping St. James is a waste of your time.” Turning around, he said, “If you won’t put a stop to it, I will.” He walked out the door.

  She growled, long and low, her fists clenched. Inhaling, she forced herself to open her hands and shake them loose. If she wanted to maintain any kind of sanity, she should avoid Riordan. He was a danger to her in more ways than one, but…

  He flat out scared Dan Meeks. There weren’t many men that could pull off that feat.

  Why Riordan scared him was the twenty-thousand dollar question.

  At this early stage, her best option was Mitchell Jacobs. He usually had the answers and if he didn’t, he had the resources to find them. However, he wouldn’t hand them over without a good reason.

  Natalie bit her bottom lip to stifle a grin. Oh, that’s right. She had one – his new agent.


  Natalie hit the checkout button on the handbag website as she waited for Mitchell to answer the phone. Between her ridiculous attraction to Riordan and her father’s ridiculous reaction to him, yesterday had shot her stress levels to marked peaks.

  A major purchase was in order.

  After a fitful night of tossing and turning, with dreams of Riordan laying her back on the concrete and making love to her by the pool, she’d decided to come into work early. Lying in bed had only served to enhance her dreams to near virtual reality, so she’d gotten up, determined to keep herself busy with work.

  Only now, her work was Riordan.

  Purses bought, she closed her web browser before she gave into the urge to peruse tattoo websites.

  “Natalie.” Mitchell sounded winded. “How did yesterday’s session go?”

  Leaning back in her chair, she propped her legs on the desk. “Very well, I think. He actually opened up to me.”

  “Good. I ordered him to cooperate. If he acts like a jackass in any way, let me know. I won’t tolerate behavior like that again.”

  Natalie had dreamed bad behavior between her and Riordan that would put his initial escapades to shame. She felt her face heat.

  “Well Mitchell, he showed up with a new haircut and a tie.”


  She laughed into the phone. “Yes.” And, he looked damned fine, too.

  “Good to hear.”

  Taking a deep breath, she sobered. Her gut warned her that making this request ensured trouble. She uttered the words anyway.

  “Mitchell, I need a favor.”

  His silence reminded her of the Senator’s standard issue response of quiet, rather than outright no.

  “What is it?”

  She took a mental breath. “I’d like all files you have on Riordan.”

  No response.

  “If you want my help, I need any and all information you have on him. His case is a bit unusual.”

  After her father’s reaction, her gut told her unusual didn’t quite cover it.

  “That file is confidential.”

  “So is mine.” Wincing to herself, she waited for Mitchell to blow.

  It never came.

  “Look Mitchell, you came to me because you knew I could keep things under wraps. But I can’t help you or Riordan unless I have all information at my disposal.”

  “What are you hoping to find?”

  “Answers. He needs them to move on. He deserves them, Mitchell.”

  She thought she heard him curse low but she couldn’t be sure.

  “You said you wanted him ready for the field. As a professional, I�
�m telling you what he needs. Isn’t that why you hired me?”

  He made a loud sigh into the phone. “I’ll give you access to our servers tonight. Passwords change each time you sign on and you’re only receiving one.”

  Grinning into the phone, she did a fist pump. “Thank you.”

  “You have to access it at the D.I.R.E. San Diego office. It’s the only place I can be certain we won’t be hacked.”

  Her feet dropped to the floor. “You want me to go to Riordan’s office tonight?”

  “If you want that file - yes. But, be forewarned: he’s seeing it for the first time tonight, too. He may not like what he finds.”

  Chapter 4

  Riordan whipped off his motorcycle helmet and shook out his damp hair. He’d needed that ride along Silver Strand Boulevard to settle his mind. The wind in his face and mist in the air reminded him that he lived a free man. That the beatings in his nightmares were in the past, the dark isolation, a bad memory.

  After talking to Cass and Dar earlier, Riordan had been restless. Neither one could come up with another reason why their father would’ve sent him to Mongolia. Yet, Riordan’s gut told him Natalie was onto something.

  Hopefully, his file would have some answers.


  Riordan unzipped his jacket and shrugged out of it. What the hell did Mitchell have to prepare before Riordan could see his file? Most likely, he’d had some doctoring to do, a few omissions, deletions... additions.


  Riordan could see why Natalie thought him unrealistic. He’d never have control over everything. However, one would think he’d have control over his own files.

  Then again, he’d spent the day doing intel on someone that had stolen his identity. As soon as Mitchell gave him clearance, he’d pay the bastard a little visit.

  Knowing he’d go freaking crazy waiting for that file, Riordan had decided to find a distraction. However, the only distraction that had come to mind was his smokin’ hot doctor. Despite Mitchell’s warnings, he couldn’t get her out of his head.

  If he were honest with himself, he’d admit that his visit with her had been productive and… a relief. Dumping his sins in her lap hadn’t scared her away. As a matter of fact, she’d taken them all in stride.

  The delicate beauty had grit. The combination made for treacherous territory.

  But damn, he loved a bit of danger.

  Doing his best to follow orders, he’d ignored his gut and decided on a different distraction – a new motorcycle. Yes, he got screwed on the price, but he really didn’t give a crap at the moment.

  He was free and he had his hands back.

  Now, he just had to make sure he kept them to himself and off of Natalie Meeks.


  Walking out into the D.I.R.E. Coronado parking lot, Jaydan circled Riordan’s new bike, running his hand along the handlebars and seat like a new horse. He hooked his thumbs in his front jeans pockets and looked over the black Ducati 848EVO.

  “What’s it got?”

  Riordan couldn’t contain his smile. “Thirteen point two to one compression ratio, straight cut gears for the primary drive, and only three hundred and seventy-two pounds on one hundred and forty horsepower.”

  Jaydan gave a low whistle. “Damn, that thing’s almost as hot as the woman inside… Almost.”

  He whipped around. “What woman?”

  “Your doctor.” Jaydan gave him a knowing grin. “Mitchell gave her access to the D.I.R.E. network.”

  Cursing a blue streak, Riordan stormed into the building. Damn Mitchell Jacobs. The sonovabitch had given her access to his file. He just knew it.

  Stomping through the lobby and down the hall to the communications center, Riordan stopped short just inside the small, NASA-style control room. Natalie Meeks sat in a leather chair, her legs stretched out on one of the desks. A tablet lay in her lap, a carton of ice cream and plastic spoon in her hand. A bottle of water sat on the floor beside her chair.

  Her high-class etiquette teacher would not be happy with her posture.

  Tight jeans molded to her long legs, leather ankle boots on her feet. She wore some kind of lacy, pale pink blouse, her auburn hair tied in a braid over one shoulder. The scent of ocean breeze filled the room, her casual, relaxed presence throwing his body into complete chaos.

  How the hell he’d managed a hard-on when he wanted to punch something went beyond his comprehension.

  Damn Mitchell.

  “What are you doing here, Meeks? I thought house calls went by the wayside decades ago.” He tossed his jacket and helmet on the desk beside her.

  She jumped, her feet dropping to the floor with a loud thud.

  “Riordan.” She whipped around to face him. “I didn’t hear you come in. I’m working.”

  “On what?” Walking over to her, he knew what he’d find.

  Swallowing hard, she stared at him with round, guilty eyes before she lifted her chin and gave him a determined gaze. “I’m reading your file.”

  With one hand on the desk and the other on the back of her chair, he leaned over her shoulder. She caught her breath. His cheek sat just inches from hers, her sweet, womanly scent turning him the hell on.

  Dammit, she’d read a quarter of the way through already.

  “You two just think you can do whatever you want with my information. I wanted to review that file before anyone else saw it. Mitchell knew that.”

  She set down the ice cream carton on the desk. “I wasn’t privy to that conversation but I do know I requested access and he granted it – for tonight only.”

  He splayed his hand over the screen. “What if I don’t want you to read it?”

  Her laser-sharp gaze seared him. “You don’t have a choice.”


  Snatching the tablet from her lap, he held it at his side, fury bubbling inside him to Curie point. “I told you, I’ll never be in a position without choices again. No one, I mean no one, will control me, or my life. Do you hear me, Meeks?” Breathing hard, he glared at her.

  Rising from the chair, she clutched his free hand. Instant calm infused him, warmth spreading up his arm and into his chest. The contours of her hand seemed magnified in his new grip, her soft, velvet-like flesh enhanced a hundred-fold.

  “Whoa, wait a minute…” Her wide, hazel eyes searched his. “If you’re that opposed to me reading that file, I won’t do it. But, you and I both want the same thing: for you to be the best damned agent the D.I.R.E. Agency has ever seen. Studying history and arming you with everything we can, will make you stronger.”

  She reached up and tucked a damp strand of hair behind his ear, surprising him. “I know you prefer to work independently. I get it. But, I want to help, if you’ll let me.”

  Natalie Meeks wanted him to be the best damned agent D.I.R.E. had ever seen? Something in that declaration filled him with pride, uplifting him.

  Now, he wanted to do it for her, not for himself or as some payment to Mitchell for his hands. He wanted to show her he could be the best. That her investment had paid off.

  His mind told him to back away slowly. The only person he could depend on in this world was himself. Yet, her mesmerizing hazel eyes drew him in like a magnet, pulling him into her confidence. Could he risk it?

  She blew out a breath and dropped his hand. “Dammit, Riordan. I’m trying to help you here. I’m not the enemy.”

  Thank God she wasn’t his enemy. Outside of her professional wardrobe, Natalie Meeks was downright dangerous. Dressed in jeans that outlined her perfect curves and a lace top that showed a hint of cleavage, Natalie Meeks could defeat him in any battle by simply showing up.

  Falling in love with someone like her would be all-consuming. She’d control him through no force of her own, only his damned need for her. He couldn’t allow his attraction to get out of hand.

  But, he did want to be the best damned agent D.I.R.E. had ever seen.

  A sudden grin split his face. “Did you just
… curse?”

  Her parted lips blossomed into a smile that made his heart pound. “There’s more where that came from. Trust me.”

  Sobering, he held up the tablet. “Meeks, there are things in this file that-”

  She stopped his speech with a squeeze of his hand. “After all we’ve discussed so far, do you really believe I’d think less of you?”


  He made no reply but simply savored her hand in his.

  How long had it been since he’d held a woman’s hand, or held a woman in his arms? If Natalie’s hand felt this freaking soft, what did her body, her breasts feel like?

  “Riordan, I-“


  Natalie dropped his hand when Jaydan entered the room. Dammit.

  “Saint,” she said, with a twist of her mouth.

  “Well, in his mind, anyway.” Jaydan grinned, hands on his hips.

  Riordan glared at his soon-to-be-dead co-worker.

  Natalie’s voice held a teasing lilt. “Mitchell called you that. I can’t decide if it’s utterly ridiculous or…” Her smile vanished as she searched his gaze. “…appropriately fitting.”

  Okay, that was it. He had to have her. Screw control.

  Clasping her hand in his, he turned to Rose without looking at her. “Oh, you’re leaving, Rose?”

  Jaydan gave him a lopsided smirk. “Yeah. Actually, I’m flying up to Sacramento on an op.” Glancing at Natalie, he said, “It was nice meeting you, Natalie. I hope to see you soon.”

  Riordan scowled at Rose again. Damned jackass didn’t know when to let up.

  Humor lit her voice. “Likewise, Jaydan.”

  “See ya, Saint.” He walked out without a backward glance.

  Riordan stared at the place where Jaydan disappeared, unsure of how to approach what had just happened. He’d taken Natalie Meeks’ hand in his and… she’d left it there.

  When she stepped away, he let her go. To entertain thoughts of he and Natalie Meeks declared him completely delusional. A senator’s daughter and a drug-addict’s grandson? A criminal and a psychologist?


  “So, what’s it going to be, Saint?” She faced him, arms crossed under her breasts. Her now abundant cleavage peeked through the lacy fabric, stirring his blood.